Art in Porschestrasse (KIPS)
Art project
16 artists and collectives will be performing on Porschestrasse on April 22nd and 23rd! Art is displayed on the street and in shop windows and empty shops. Street art is painted, sprayed and glued live. There are performances on the town hall square and walks between heaven and earth. Cooking, eating and writing. Happiness is sought on an obstacle course and the sound of the Porschestrasse can be heard on an audio walk. Cobblestones crumble into compost and the favorite songs of the people of Wolfsburg ring out over the carillon. There is dancing and at night the street is brought to life with projections.
Art projects invite you to take part and thus create space for encounters and social interaction. Unlike art in the exhibition space, art in public space meets the entire urban society. For the project team of KIPS - Kunst in der Porschestrasse, the central concern is to reach women from Wolfsburg of different age groups and social classes and to involve various actors - from the mayor to the Carpe Diem day club, the Maritime Choir and the Caritas refugee counseling service. Interdisciplinary artists from the fields of fine arts, theatre, radio, dance and performance were invited and worked together with the creative workshops in the M2K and the youth club stop. With the projects we encourage dialogue and reflection on urban challenges. How can the transformation of inner cities, which was triggered by online trade, climate change and the consequences of the corona pandemic, succeed. And what makes a city center attractive?
The KIPS campaign weekend sees itself as a real laboratory for future art and culture projects in Porschestrasse.