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Interactive art

In September 2019 the project interactive design of a gym wall started. The joint action was funded by the federal program "Demokratie leben! – Aktiv gegen Rechtsextremismus, Gewalt und Menschenfeindlichkeit" and supported by the Bunte Grundschule Westhagen, the Bauspielplatz and the art association creARTE.


Together with a group of children, Sebastian painted a primary school gym wall. Over a period of about 3 months, a colorful wall painting was created from a gray concrete surface of approximately 90 square meters.


The project pursued the following goals:


Strengthening lively, diverse and democratic local civil society. Participation of different cultures from the context of school and district. Creative work against phenomena of group-related misanthropy. Promotion of a culture of mutual appreciation and common identification with the newly designed living space. Strengthening students and siblings from the district in their role as active citizens.


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